Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One Day

Shakespeare Road, Christchurch, New Zealand

Who never not know this person William Shakespeare, the English poet widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language. Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello (to name few) was his finest works in the English language. He live up to his name till now. But I am here not to talk about Shakespeare, (bukan Britney Spears jugak!) It is about me.. OK, me! *some akan lari tutup page ni sebab malas nak layan budak ni merepek..

This mainly my new year resolution. Oh so I can say my goal in life. I just wanna smile and make everyone near me happy, live a life with full of laughter. Helping people with their life. It is sound very cliché but not everyone can do it. 2012 eventually will make my life more adventurous cause I am start to work soon.

One day, I want to snap great picture

One day, I'm going to be a father

One day, I want to further my study

University of Otago, New Zealand! hewhewhew

InsyaAllah, taking Cancer Study..

And one day, I'm gonna buy this car..

Eh! Bukan ni..

Haa! Yang ni..

Remember my name, Umar Kadir

Apa-apa pun, setiap orang memasang impian. Dan impian itu akan membakar semangat kita. Berusaha dan tawakal kepada Allah.

*Pictures taken by me during my family trip to New Zealand, May/June 2011.


  1. usaha dan tawakal. pasti berjaya :D

  2. semoga tercapai apa yg diimpikan itu

  3. one day, i hope we can be friends coz we share dreams......to be better and have more, one day.

  4. wooowwww..ingt dh smbg blajar kat obesea....

    neway gud luck yee...

  5. InsyaAllah one day. thanks for dropping by, all!

  6. hopefully impian trcpai beli kretaapi itu.. kehkehkeh.. wahh. jdi bapa =)
    tak lme lgi ni ^^

  7. amin ! ~
    smoga tercapai ape yg diimpikan
    gud luck ;)

  8. tinggi nye impian, semoga tercapai , hehe .

  9. moga tercapai hasrat. moga dipermudahkan. jmput singgah blog kami, jmput bc entri DAHULU itu..

  10. Semoga Berjaya & Terus Berjaya Umar...Dipermudahkan setiap Langkahmu Kelak..Xan Adam

  11. smart jugak kete merah tu. hahah! insyaAllah.... satu hari nnt akan tercapai jugak kalau rajin usaha.

  12. @khalila: kete merah!? yg tu paling mahal! haha
